Wet Tire Testing & Modeling
GCAPS’s advanced tire testing equipment and techniques can be modified for data collection, construction comparisons, and advanced tire research in wet environments. With the GCAPS water delivery system and premier flat belt force and moment equipment, we can better understand hydroplaning and support different ODD for chassis control.
Application of wet testing data collection and modeling has been used by tire manufacturers to improve tread patterns, tread compounds, and wear impact for passenger car, light truck, and motorsport tires. MF models can be created for use in vehicle simulations.

Our wet testing capabilities extend beyond the typical force and moment testing and include:
- GCAPS-developed unique water delivery system
- Consistent water depths for speeds up to 250 kph
- GCAPS-designed nozzle provides nearly laminar flow
- Variable speed pump for roadway velocity adjustment
Contact GCAPS to move your wet performance tests from outdoor vehicle methods to a proven, reliable, and consistent indoor methodology.