Scenario Creation
Our simulation engineers can deliver high fidelity virtual simulation packages for ADS/ADAS models, based on varying levels of real-world data. These packages include all required information for use in most software packages. If a specialized data format is required, GCAPS can easily convert the data into the required format.
Each event contains the following information
- Vehicle positions
- Vehicle velocities
- Geometric information of moving objects (vehicles, pedestrians, animals)
- Non-moving objects (trees, guard rails, signs, etc.)
- Terrain and road information (lane markings, curbs, elevation, etc.)
Customizable data reduction process removes personally identifying information, such as driver information, vehicle branding, location data, and facial images.
Sensor Testing and Modeling
Sensor performance tests for baseline performance and comparison to spec sheets as well as under several weather (e.g., clear, fog, and rain) and lighting conditions with multiple testing targets.
- Target/sensor location (e.g., pedestrian, 10% vehicle) data is analyzed and used to parameterize a sensor model
- Our engineers can support multiple sensor model types
- The sensor models are validated to testing, are empirically based, and the format is agnostic to ease the integration into the customer’s toolchain

Research and Services:
- Sensor Characterization
- Sensor Degradation
- Sensor Modeling
- V2X Evaluation and Support
Perceive, Plan, and Control Algorithms
Using a team of Research Scientists’ and Engineers’ advanced control solutions, planning and perception algorithms are created from customer specified problem constraints. To support these algorithms, our team has experience with selecting and developing appropriate simulation environments that are tailored to the end goals of the application.
Analysis of driver behavior from customer data sources or VTTI’s 70 million miles of is integrated into the planning and control algorithms. This produces more human-like responses.
Our perception algorithms combine camera, radar, GPS, and vehicle information for use in control and planning as well as automated annotations within data sources. Perception algorithms also exist for Lidar Point cloud analysis.
Research and Services:
- Behavioral based algorithms
- Sensor Fusion
- Detection Algorithm
- C2V Behavioral Model
- Safety Modeling/Assurance
- Automated Maneuver Algorithms
Tire Testing
GCAPS’s equipment has been correlated with multiple vehicle and tire OEMs for model characterization data collection, construction comparisons, and advanced tire research.
The equipment, experience, and software at GCAPS makes it the ideal location for tire data collection. Contact us below for more information.
At GCAPS, we house top-level industry equipment designed for testing passenger car, light truck, motorsport, or motorcycle tires across all conditions encountered on the road.
Our capabilities beyond typical force and moment testing include GCAPS-developed:
- Flat Cleat Test Methods
- Wet Testing Methods
- Thermal Control Logic
For force and moment testing the LTRe has the unique capabilities of:
- Roadway Velocity: 200 mph/320 kph
- Spindle Torque: 10,000 Nm
- Vertical Load: 30,000 N
- Dynamic Positioning Rates: 90 SA deg/s, 38 IA deg/s, 160 RL mm/s
Tire Modeling
GCAPS uses advanced testing equipment, techniques, and our own simulation engineers to quickly create accurate and affordable tire models. Our Simulation Engineers have in-depth knowledge of the theory, parameterization, and application of multiple tire model formats to help customers determine the right model for the required vehicle simulation.
Our advanced testing, such as flat cleat instead of drum, and thermal logic, provide more accurate data, which allows for higher fidelity tire models. The capabilities of our testing facilities and simulation group allow us to create tire models for a wide range of tire sizes.

Example tire models supported by GCAPS include but are not limited to:
- FTire
- MF-Swift
- PAC2002
Vehicle Dynamics Modeling and Simulation

GCAPS has the knowledge and experience to support development of OEM vehicles and motorsport programs of all levels. From helping to balance ride and handling on an OEM vehicle to maximizing a racecar’s aerodynamic performance and tire grip, GCAPS has the expertise in vehicle dynamics, vehicle testing (component or system level), and vehicle measurements for measuring chassis response characteristics, setup, and tuning.
Research and Services:
- Vehicle Dynamic Model Creation
- Full Vehicle/Tire Simulation for Chassis Development
- Model Validation
Behavioral Competency / Safety Assurance
Our Research Scientists and Engineers conduct assessments of a vehicle’s response to the Scenario both physically and virtually. The performance is compared to established regulatory values, internally developed behavioral competency values, and safety models. These are processes and tools that can be used during development or as an added check prior to release to the public.
Operating Design Domain and technology specific models can be developed with the customer.
The team uses several reachable set safety models in these assessments
- Responsibility-Sensitive Safety (RSS)
- Safety Force Field (SFF)
- Instantaneous Safety Metric (ISM) / Model-Predictive ISM (MPrISM)
Research and Services:
- Behavioral Competency
- Safety Assessment
Vehicle Testing

We have knowledge and experience to support development of OEM vehicles and motorsport programs of all levels. Whether it is to help balance ride and handling on an OEM vehicle or maximize aerodynamic performance and tire grip for a racecar, we have expertise in vehicle dynamics, vehicle testing (component or system level), and vehicle measurements for measuring chassis response characteristics, setup, and tuning.
GCAPS vehicle test and measurement experience includes:
- Multi-Post Shaker Rig Testing
- Vehicle Instrumentation and Data Acquisition for On-road or Laboratory Testing
- Kinematic & Compliance Testing
- Moment of Inertia
- Developing Unique Measurement and Testing Solutions for Custom Problems
Research and Services:
- Vehicle Testing
- Model Validation